Realizing Opportunities for Career Growth in the Capital Region

About Career Pathways


What is the Career Pathways project?

CareerSource Capital Region, local businesses, educational providers and economic development entities are pleased to announce a partnership that seeks to develop the thriving talent market, by meeting the needs of career seekers with invaluable opportunities.  

The Career Pathways project will transform the way our community learns about careers that are available in the region. Students, parents, teachers and career seekers will be able to explore career paths whether it is their first job or second job with the help of local training programs along with financial aid opportunities.

Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act

The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) requires CareerSource Capital Region, along with representatives of secondary and post secondary education programs, to lead efforts in Gadsden, Leon and Wakulla counties to develop and implement career pathways by aligning the employment, training, education and supportive services that are needed by adults and youth, particularly individuals with barriers to employment.


Get Involved

Join us as we partner with local businesses, education providers, economic development entities and workforce development organizations in the Capital Region.

We would love to include you as a partner, program, or business. 

Contact us to get started▸


Spread the Word

To help drive awareness of the Career Pathways project, we encourage you to spread the word on social media by using #CareerPathways